
FOWPI project is part of the “Clean Energy Cooperation with India (CECI)”, which aims at enhancing India's energy generation capacity with least carbon residual, thereby contributing to the mitigation of global climate change. Project activities will support India's efforts to secure the energy supply, within a well-established framework for strategic energy cooperation between the EU and India.

The project will facilitate the transfer of knowledge and technological know-how from the European experience in the sector and its adaptability to the Indian context, also through the involvement of the European businesses in the energy technologies sector (renewables, energy efficiency, electrical network equipment) and by fostering their cooperation with Indian actors.

The EU Delegation to India awarded the development of First Offshore Wind Farm Project of India (FOWPI) to the Joint Venture SACO in December 2015. COWI A/S is part of the JV SACO-consortium and will lead the project implementation. Local key-support is provided by the Indian company WinDForce Management Ltd and COWI India Ltd. 

FOWPI will provide assistance up to the stage of Pre-Financial-Investment-Decision (Pre-FiT) and provide general assistance for capacity building of Indian stakeholders within offshore wind sector.

This project is funded by the European Union.