The Epbd Drive For Low Energy Buildings: The (External) Insulation Industry Response
Topic: “The EPBD drive for low energy buildings: the (external) insulation industry response”
Schedule: May 22nd, 2019 from 15:00 – 16:00 IST
Content: This webinar is addressed to policy makers, SDAs, ECBC experts, the construction industry and other relevant stakeholders in order to be briefly informed on the Insulation Industry in Europe.
The presentation will provide insights into the role of EAE as European Association representing the ETICS industry and its key suppliers. More specifically, the webinar will focus on how EAE members contribute to reliable technical solutions to improve the energy efficiency of buildings’ exterior walls, e. g. contribution to standardization, EAE Application Guideline, trainings, seminars, research and testing. Furthermore, EAE is involved in dialogues with European and national regulators, contributing to public consultations as well as it supports the legislative initiatives by promoting how ETICS may significantly contribute to achieve important political objectives (environment, energy transition, economic growth) and in parallel improving living comfort and health.
Moderator: Mr. Rajeev Ralhan, Buildings Energy Efficiency expert, India team leader – ACE:E2, PwC India
Speakers: Mr. Ralf Pasker, Managing Director at the European Association for External Thermal Insulation Composite Systems (EAE)
For Speakers’ short Bio: Click here.
There will be time allowed for questions and answers with the presenters. This event is organized as part of the Common Implementation Forum for Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC) initiative, funded by European Union. The event will be held in English.